Rebel8 said, "... I always felt sorry for the bros--that may be the one thing the bros had worse than the women in the Org."
As one of those who had to face the draft, I thank you for your compassion. I've read your story, and facing a draft board, even with all it implied, in my opinion is nothing compared to the difficulties you faced on a daily basis.
When I faced the draft board I fully expected that I would be spending some time in prison, and in the naivete that only a religion can inspire I thought it would be no big deal if I did go to prison. Fourty-six years later I read Terry's book. How stupid I was; how stupid my "elders" were!
...and the thing is, I WON! My draft board decided that I qualified for a 4-D deferment! I, yes, I - met the definition of a "minister of religion" when I was not even 20 years old! ...and here's the kicker - I believed i was, too! ...For a time, times, and half a time, give or take a few times.
One downside, years later, is knowing that so many other good guys; Farkel and Terry, among others, were thrown into the bowels of the beast while I tap-danced through that particular Great Tribulation. What it comes down to is that I had better stats than they did, and my draft board was in Long Island City, NY, not on the west coast. There were BUNCHES of JW guys who had to face the same draft board I did, but I don't know who any of them are. I tried to contact someone I knew from back then. He responded, "You ought to get a dog so you have someone to talk to." Thanks.
But the process of a draft is cruel, and the way incarcerated "men of conscience" were treated is abominable. "So, you're a "nice guy" eh? You love your neighbor, you're "god-fearing," eh? Well, we've got a little something special planned for you, pal."
My father and my uncles served in WWII. If my mom hadn't accepted that DAMNED "free home Bible study" maybe I would have served. My cousins did, and they survived. Maybe I would not have survived; there were GIs in 'Nam who were skinned alive by the VC. Maybe my bones would be in a rice paddy somewhere. Maybe I would have committed atrocities after hearing my buddy being skinned alive.
No matter where you go, there you are. And I am here.